100 Point Challenge featured on Swedish Radio

Recently, my co-founder Anna was interviewed by Björn Lindberg of P4 Stockholm for Sveriges (Sweden’s) Radio.

Björn originally became interested in the 100 Point Challenge concept whilst doing some research about unique things to do in Stockholm that everyday Stockholmers might not have heard about yet. Björn was even more intrigued once he discovered that a company that does team-building and experiences based around Swedish history and culture was run by two Australians living and working in Stockholm!

Anna talked about how 100 Point Challenge is an interesting way to break down cultural barriers, which encourages people to “look up” and be “a stranger in your own city”. She also talked about her own experience of being an immigrant, and how the 100 Point Challenge had given her a wonderful opportunity to connect with Stockholm in a fun and engaging way.

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Interviewer Björn asked an interesting question about why the game had chosen to remain analogue in an increasingly digital age. Anna spoke about the importance of putting down our devices and creating opportunities for meaningful connections, and how she felt that the analogue nature of the game facilitated this.

“We see so much of our world these days through our screens- they tell us where to go, what to eat... and we wanted to give people an opportunity to rediscover their cities with genuine open eyes… Being analogue means we are forced to connect- there is no distraction, and there is no intermediary via our phone.”

Anna also talked about our expansion to other cities in Europe, which now includes Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Gothenburg, and importantly, Sydney in her native Australia. Although she didn’t give away our planned launch locations for 2019, we promise that they are some of the best cities in Europe.

So where to next, for 100 Point Challenge? According to Anna, “we’ll keep doing what we’re doing, and taking the 100 Point Challenge concept to other cities around Europe and Australia”. Creating great city experiences is what we are passionate about here at 100 Point Challenge.

Listen to the broadcast from the the “Formiddag” program on 19 November 2018.

Dan Paech