Networking in a pandemic - how to make connections when you can't go for coffee

Networking in a pandemic - how to make connections when you can't go for coffee

As time passes, we are starting to see the global pandemic and coronavirus quarantine restrictions have an effect on even more areas of our lives. With economic uncertainty, job losses and an adapt-or-die approach to business, networking and making new connections has arguably never been more important. But how do you create opportunities for meaningful business experiences with strangers during a worldwide pandemic?

Networking, particularly with strangers, is most effective when there is a structure to the engagement. We attend events or talks under the pretext of continuing education, join organisations likely to include an audience of like-minded people, volunteer our time to groups all in the name of expanding our personal and business networks … But what do you do when these types of things are suddenly out of reach, and life stops presenting you with networking opportunities wrapped up in a social event? 

The answer is not to stop networking. Networking is integral to career success no matter your stage or sector- new connections bring with them new leads, new job opportunities, mentorship- all things that are essential to human work. 

Source: via Giphy

Source: via Giphy

Connecting and networking online

So can you really make new, meaningful connections from behind a screen? Yes, but you need to be innovative and a bit curious. While it’s true that networking without some sort of comforting beverage in hand can feel manufactured and stiff,  hey, at least pants are optional?

In designing our newest online experience, 4 Degrees of Separtation, we wanted to solve some of the problems faced by those networking from home. We approached it by wrapping up networking in a fun shared experience, setting a structure through short, collaborative business-oriented challenges, and incentivising engagement through competition.

We wanted to share a few tips from our experience: 

  1. Virtual coffees/drinks can actually work… What you are looking for are methods to anchor the experience and create a structure to your interactions with your new connection. It could be as simple as agreeing to share your beverage of choice, but don’t be afraid to set exercises, talking points, or joint challenges to help fast track the connection- it will take the pressure off, keep things fun and make sure the conversation flows.

  2. Don’t give up on your existing organisations. Co-working spaces, startup ecosystems, business networks and meet up groups- most organisations are doing their best to adapt to quarantine restrictions while continuing to provide value to their members- including providing them with online networking opportunities.

  3. Don’t be hesitant- now might actually be the best time to make the approach. The current coronavirus pandemic and ensuing worldwide quarantine has significantly shifted the nature of work, and you might be surprised that the big name you have always coveted connecting with is actually more available, more accessible, and more willing to help than they were pre-covid.

Source: via Giphy

Source: via Giphy

Are you from a membership-based organisation that is struggling to provide networking opportunities for your members during quarantine? Let us help!

We have developed online experiences targeting remote, hybrid and distributed organisations.

Get in touch!