Remote team building during coronavirus

Remote team building during coronavirus

We are all living through an unprecedented time in history, with the impacts of the coronavirus being felt globally from a health, social and economic standpoint. For many of us, we find ourselves suddenly working from home, trying to navigate an entirely new way of interacting online, all whilst staying productive.

Even before the current crisis, the number of companies with remote or distributed teams was on the increase. In fact, these remote or distributed teams are often the groups that we work with in our city exploration games- whether it be the annual meeting of global executives in Copenhagen, or the local Dutch employees’ opportunity to host their international colleagues, we often run 100 Point Challenge events for workmates who are meeting each other in person for the first time.

However, budget and logistical constraints mean that these in-person ‘destination’ events, whilst nice to have, are the exception, limited to once per year or for special occasions. And with the current crisis putting all in-person gatherings on hold for the immediate future, we found ourselves wondering, what happens to these remote or distributed teams throughout the rest of the year? What supports do they need to help them to continue to stay connected and thrive?

How can online teams stay connected and thrive?

How can online teams stay connected and thrive?

Online Team Building Game: Remote Rendezvous

Drawing on our experience of creating and delivering our city-based games and team building experiences for some of the world’s most recognisable companies, we set about building something that could target the specific skills required by effective remote teams, whilst also allowing colleagues the opportunity to engage in something fun and creative together. After all, sometimes culture can be as simple as shared experiences, and right now we all need things that are fun and lighthearted in our lives.

Enter Remote Rendezvous- an entirely online team building game, with a blend of collective and individual tasks which can be played together, but from any location- including from inside your apartment. Teams complete a short, targeted collective task every day for 5 days, and receive interrelated individual tasks which, when completed correctly, form clues for the final collaborative challenge- a multilayered, cryptic riddle.

Remote teams

To solve the challenges, teams need to think laterally, source relevant information, use the latest in video and design tech, and find a way to support democratic decision-making. To help teams, we have scoured the internet for the best resources we can find to assist with each specific challenge, with the whole game being managed and delivered via our online portal.

Engagement is integral, and the 100 Point Challenge has always focussed on experiences that are interactive and personal, so teams still have real life Challenge Leaders, and participate in a live briefing session and presentation ceremony at the end of the challenge as in our city discovery games. Challenge Leaders are also available by video during certain times on each of the 5 days of the challenge so that teams can trouble-shoot.

With the onset COVID-19 corona virus epidemic, we are all searching for ways to remain connected, and nowhere more so than in our workplaces- 100 Point Challenge CEO, Dan, said it best:

“For many people right now, working from home full time is new, and having a daily touch point around fun, collaborative challenges is really beneficial, both for productivity, and for mental health. This game is needed now more than ever, and that is apparent to us not only from our own experience, but validated by the fact that one of the world’s most well known companies booked the game with us within the first 24 hours of its release.”

If you would like to know more about Remote Rendezvous or any of our social games, please get in touch.